Extracurricular Activities
Art Club
Art Club gives students the opportunity to meet once weekly in a more relaxed and informal setting to discuss and work on art. Students may work on projects of their own interest or may use the time as an extension of an enrolled art class. The art club is a fun way to use your talents to give back and fellowship with other artists. The Art Club may be asked or invited to participate in area shows, field trips, etc.
Sponsor: Ms. Boudet lboudet@hampton.k12.va.us
The first and only student run online high school newspaper in Hampton the Bear Facts is a publication for free speech and student expression. Student journalists cover school related news, sports and events and even national and international current events. If you are bold, curious and work well under pressure, Bear Facts is for you. More than just a club, Bear Facts is a publication produced by the journalism pathway course of the MAD Academy.
CHROME's mission is to increase opportunities for underrepresented minority and female students to enter science, mathematics, engineering, and related technical fields.
Opportunities include:
-Field Trips
-STEM Professional Visits
-Regional programs
-Summer academies
Meeting Place/Time: Room 320
Sponsor: Ms. Barker abarker1@hampton.k12.va.us
Students in Forensics compete individually and collaboratively in drama type and public speaking competitions. Events include comedy, drama, poetry, prose and more.
Meeting Place/Time: Room 204/After school (specific times to be determined)
Raiders Team with CSM Tigs
Drill Team with MAJ Schuler
Rifle Team with SFC Rodriguez
Meeting Place/Time: JROTC rooms and AUX Gym/Monday-Friday, 3:15 - 4:30
Key Club
Sponsor: Ms. Lowery tlowery@hampton.k12.us.va
High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.
Our Mission Statement
Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
Model UN
Sponsor: Mr. Monahan rmonahan@hampton.k12.va.us
The BHS Model United Nations club shares commonalities with college & university Model UN and International Relations Clubs. It is a unique club poised to create globally aware leaders. Model UN members research and role play nations, address current global issues, and create alliances in order to resolve concerns that plague the world today. In attending collegiate organized conferences, Model UN delegates hone essential skills such as public speaking, position writing, and relationship building. Model UN is a worthwhile academic endeavor and often draws many of the best and brightest students.
Meeting Place/Time: Room 325, Thursdays after school
National Honor Society
Sponsor: Ms. McCoy-Jones lmccoyjones@hampton.k12.va.us
Polaris Literary Magazine
Sponsor: Ms. Ulmen sulmen@hampton.k12.va.us
If you have an interest in astronomy then you know that Polaris means the North Star; and if you’re directionally challenged you know that the North Star will guide you home. But for Bethel High School’s creative students—with talent out of this world— Polaris is the name of the award winning literary magazine that showcases the creative writing, art and photography of Bethel Bruins. Staff members of Polaris create, design and publish the yearly magazine that gives other creative students a platform to highlight creative works and attract an audience. So if you are a shining star, who enjoys art, and reading or writing poetry, short stories and more Polaris is the club for you.
Sponsor: Ms. Young ayoung2@hampton.k12.va.us
Students work to help develop various student activities throughout the school year to increase student morale and the culture of the school. We organize events such as Homecoming, spirit week, teacher appreciation, food drive campaigns, and holiday celebrations.
World Language Club
Sponsor: Mr. Kamp ckamp@hampton.k12.va.us
Are you interested in traveling but don't have the time or resources to do so? Get a taste from the World Language Club. Once a month we sample food from one of many different cultures. We will also listen to music, watch a movie or make something tied to a country or holiday. Dues are free but members are encouraged to volunteer food or materials so we can have a good time. Members also meet once a month to plan the meeting and future activities Additionally club members play an active role in promoting world languages at Bethel including planning for events during World Language Week in May.
Meeting Place/Time: Room 216 /Meeting time changes depending on club members' schedules
Youth & Government Club
Sponsor: Ms. Cochran ocochran@hampton.k12.va.us
Youth & Government club is a Virginia YMCA sponsored school club. This club focuses on teaching students how the government in the Commonwealth of Virginia works, by giving students the opportunity to participate in simulations of Virginia government.
Meeting Place/Time: Courtroom, Tuesdays, after school until 4:30