
Deidre Tokarski RN, School Nurse 

"Nurse Dee" 

School Clinic

Phone: 825-4419 

Fax: 825-4465 

Hours: 7:45 - 3:15

We welcome you to Bethel Clinic. Our goal is to help maximize staff and students’ safety, comfort and performance at school. Healthy children are better learners.


1. A fever of 100.4 degrees or more in the past 12 hours. Remember, giving your child fever-reducing medication prior to school only delays the reappearance of symptoms. It does not reduce communicability of disease. All students should be fever-free for twenty four (24) hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication before returning to school. Aspirin is not recommended for children under age 19.

2. An undiagnosed rash, especially if accompanied by a change in behavior or fever.

3. Pinkeye, especially if there is white or yellow discharge, matting or pain.

4. Diarrhea or vomiting more than once, or with fever, weakness, etc.

5. Strep throat or other contagious diseases. Wait until your child has had at least 24 hours on an antibiotic, or your doctor tells you that it is safe to return to school.

6. Chicken Pox. Keep child home until all blisters are scabbed over and dry.

7. Ringworm. Exclusion is usually not necessary as long as the lesions are covered or are being treated.  During the school day, ringworm located on the body should be kept covered during treatment and until the lesion is healed.  If the lesions cannot be covered, the student will be excluded until receiving treatment for twenty-four hours.  A student with suspected ringworm on the scalp needs to be excluded and seen by their healthcare provider to receive oral medication.  The student may return to school after receiving treatment for twenty-four hours..

8. Head Lice. Keep child home until treated and all of the live lice are gone. The school nurse must check the child’s scalp before readmission to school. The school nurse will check again at 7 and 14 days post-treatment to ensure no live lice are present.

9. Constant, thick nasal discharge, especially if it is yellow or dark.

10. A persistent productive cough or wheezing.


1. All medications will be administered with the written order of a licensed prescriber and written permission from the student’s parent or guardian. Please ask for the “Medication Request Form” or download this form from the Hampton City School website.

2. All prescribed medications must be in the original, unopened package or container, with the original label. The medication must be brought in by the parent or guardian. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to provide refills as necessary.

3. No student should carry medications or inhalers on their person unless there is a current doctor’s order specifying this need. Please ask for the “Authorization to Carry and Self-Administer Medication” form or download this form from the Hampton City School website.

4. Students may not possess any medications at any time during school hours or activities. Exceptions may be made for those students who require certain inhaled asthma medications or other emergency medications.

5. Medication must be picked up by parents or guardians at the end of each school year, upon expiration of the medications, or at the end of the duration of the licensed prescriber’s order. Medication not picked up by the last student day of the year is subject to destruction. 

Protocol for Nurse to Excuse a Student from Physical Education/ JROTC

A nurse can approve a written note from a parent, excusing their son or daughter from physical education activities for health-related reasons, without a note from the healthcare provider. The nurse’s approval will be for no longer than 3 consecutive school days. Illness or injury lasting over 3 consecutive school days requires a note from a healthcare provider. This note needs to state the problem, how long the student will be out of activity, and may include alternate activities students can participate in during this time.  For physical training in JROTC, notes should be submitted to the JROTC instructor.

Protocol for usage of Crutches, Wheelchairs, and Canes

A student requiring the use of crutches, a wheelchair, a cane or a walker MUST obtain an order from a healthcare provider stating the following:

• Reason for use 

• Duration (length) of use (with dates)

• Any activity restrictions 

• Any special instructions such as a pass to leave class early or help with books, etc.

Final Note

If you need help with medical, dental, or vision services for your child, please call us. FAMIS insurance information is available from the clinic or by calling 1-866-873-2647. We have vision exam/glasses vouchers for students who qualify.